«Ukrtelecom» will raise communication services prices for 14%


Photo from open sources

One of the largest Ukrainian telecommunications operators «Ukrtelecom» is planning to raise the maximum tariffs for fixed telephony from November 2018, said the director of the corporate communications department of «Ukrtelecom» Mikhail Shuranov.

«We approached the regulator (the National Commission, which carries out state regulation in the sphere of communication and information (NCRCI) – Ed.), which regulates tariffs, with a request to consider raising the marginal tariffs. It’s about autumn, about November. Expenses are growing due to the fact that there are prerequisites for an increase. Now the most expensive package costs 73 UAH», said the director.

Shuranov clarified that the company asks the NCRCI to raise the maximum tariffs for fixed telephony by 14% from November 1 due to the increase in the cost of providing the service.

«For the user this will be reflected in the increase in the cost of the tariff by 3-7 UAH» – the director quotes Unian.

As reported by «Journalist» «Oschadbank» has obtained in court the recovery from «Ukrtelecom» more than 1 billion USD.

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