XIII Century Bridge will be demolished in Belgium


Photo: from open sources

The authorities of the city of Tournai decided to demolish the bridge, which was built in XIII century, to facilitate the passage of ships. About this informs Le Figaro.

It is reported that the authorities of Belgian city of Tournai have decided to destroy one of the masterpieces of the city, the "bridge of holes", dating from the XIII century.
The municipality explained its actions by the fact that in such a way free passage of vessels along the River Scheldt would be possible. Instead of an ancient bridge, it was decided to install an “openwork” structure, which the city has already called “McDonald’s arch”.
In turn, the cultural associations of Tournai demand that the decision of the city council be rescinded. In addition, activists organized a collection of signatures for the preservation of the bridge. At the moment, the petition has collected more than 10 thousand signatures.
Note: the bridge in Tournai is the only one of the three remaining bridges in the world-monuments of military fortification. Together with the Cathedral of Notre-Dame and the bell tower, this bridge is one of the symbols of Tournai; this ensemble is on the UNESCO heritage list. It is reported that due to the decision of local authorities, the city may lose this status.

Earlier, “Journalist” reported that 304 candidates were nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

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