Rubbish dump near Syretskyi Gai Park burned in Kyiv (PHOTO)


Photo from open sources and dtp.kiev

In Kyiv rescuers liquidated a fire on the rubbish dump near Syretskyi Gai park, according to
As it became known, the fire covered a thousand square meters of territory.


According to the employees of the State Emergency Service, the fire was started to extinguish yesterday, on July 8th, around 6:00 pm. As of 7:40 p.m., the fire was localized, but the garbage debris still smoldered and smoked.

As a result of the fire, there are no victims. On site two cars of the 7th fire-rescue unit of Kyiv worked.


As «Journalist» reported, in Kharkiv firemen put out a fire in a high-rise building and saved the residents of the house.

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