Photo: from open sources
On the night of 20th of June the unknown man has attacked and harmed the employees of the veterinary clinic. About this reports «Informator».
As it has become known the incident occurred at night of the 20th of June in Nyvki district on Estonskaya street, 51, at the veterinary clinic. The moment when last visitors were leaving the clinic a man has appeared at the doorstep asking to help to escape from persecutors.
The guy and girl on duty at night let the unknown inside. It is noted that the man has attacked them with no reason. First he attacked the guy than the girl whom he hit with fire extinguisher. After that the injured girl managed to escape, but the man has chased her and hit her head with a knife several times.
The girl did press the security button and called a colleague who was at home.
The report notes that in three minutes private security arrived and a little later the police. But the attacker managed to escape, using the window.
«After some time, he again returned to the clinic, where he was detained by the police. The man was in an inadequate condition and could not explain what actually happened. He asked to call the policeman, the hero of the series «Mentovskie Voiny». Inside the veterinary clinic everything is broken. Interior doors tried to break with their fists, and things were scattered around the rooms», the report said.
It is noted that the fire extinguisher, which was struck, was found inside the building. The knife could not be found.
According to the version of law enforcement officers, the attacker was in a state of drug intoxication. The injured girl was hospitalized with a closed craniocerebral trauma, punctured by wounds of the head and neck, and also with the assumption of a jaw fracture.
Earlier «The Journalist» reported that a man armed with knife has attacked the train passenger: there is a victim and injured.
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