136 ancient 10 thousand years old tombs were discovered in China


Photo from open sources

In China, archaeologists have discovered 136 graves in a cemetery belonging to the Eastern Zhou dynasty of the III-VIII century BC, reports Xinhuanet.

The burial site is located in the village of Shandong Province in eastern China.
Archaeological excavations of the cemetery, located in the village of Shandong Province, began in October last year, and from that moment experts discovered 100 small tombs and 36 large and medium. Also, archaeologists dug 800 items of ceramics, jade, bone and bronze.

«Based on the size of the graves, distribution and number of burial sites, large and medium tombs can belong to nobles, their nationality has not yet been determined», archaeologist Liu Yanchan said.

Earlier «Journalist» reported that an ancient burial shop was discovered in the Egyptian necropolis.

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