In Lutsk the fare in the trolley bus increased to UAH 3


Photo from open sources

From today in Lutsk, the cost of travel in the trolleybus increased from 1 UAH – up to 3 UAH per trip.

The decision was made by the members of the executive committee of the city council yesterday, on June 20th, during the regular meeting.

«Starting from June 21, the fares for a one-passenger trip in a city electric transport (trolleybus) will be 3 UAH», noted in the decision.
For students of institutions of general secondary education, establishments of professional (vocational) education, students of higher education institutions (IVO) I-IV levels of accreditation, the cost of a one-time trip will be 1 UAH.
As they say in the message, it was necessary to raise the cost of travel because of the increase in prices for electricity, water, spare parts for repair and maintenance of rolling stock.

As the «Journalist» reported the authorities of Rivne raised the cost in transport, because the drivers massively travel abroad.

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