Uranium containers are found in Grand Canyon National Park museum


Photo: from open sources
In the basement of Grand Canyon National Park Museum (USA), uranium containers have been around for almost twenty years. National Park Security Manager Elston Stevenson said that the park’s management knew about the presence of dangerous objects, but concealed information about them. About this writes Daily Mail.

"Three containers were in the museum from 2000 to 2018 in a place where excursion groups with children stopped to listen to a 30-minute lecture. Radiation exceeded the established permissible norm by 400 times for adults and 4000 times for children," the report said.

In turn, a specialist in public relations, Emily Davis, said that at the moment the containers were liquidated, the museum was open, and there was no danger to tourists. Davis also noted that during a recent survey of the building background radiation was found, which is natural for the area and does not present a health hazard.
Currently, Department of Hygiene and Labor Protection, National Park Service, and the Arizona Department of Health are being investigated.
Reference: Grand Canyon National Park is one of the oldest national parks in the United States. On its territory is the Grand Canyon – one of the deepest canyons in the world, which since 1979 is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Earlier "Journalist" reported that the scientists had tested anti-aging medications on humans.

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