Deadly poison stolen from Leiden museum


Photo: from open sources

From Museum Boerhaave in the Netherlands kidnappers stole a safe with a poisonous substance.

About this informs NL Times.

It is reported that the stolen museum exhibit is a glass bottle in which there is a small black cube. On the vessel there is a signature saying «Curare».
It is noted that police officers are looking for a thief and poison, but warn people who can find it so they do not take poison in their hands.
Information: Curare poison was used by the tribes of South America during the hunt: the Indians of Guiana, the Amazon basin, greased it with arrowheads. The animal, injured by the point of such an arrow, ceases to move and subsequently dies from the stoppage of breathing, which is caused by alkaloids forming part of the poison. However, it does not work if it enters the body through the digestive system.
It is worth noting that in the Netherlands «Curare» is still used during the euthanasia procedure.

Earlier Journalist reported that poisoning has happened near British city of Salisbury which affected two people.

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