Oleg Sentsov grew very old and lost 15 kg


Photo from open sources

Cousin of the Ukrainian director Oleg Sentsov Natalia Kaplan said that her brother looks very old and lost 15 kg.

Kaplan told about first visit since four years of her cousin’s imprisonment to her brother in the colony «Polar Bear» in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District of the Russian Federation BBC News Ukraine.

«He is very thin, lost 15 kg during the hunger strike and looks very old», Kaplan said.

The meeting, according to his sister, lasted 2 hours, they talked on the phone through the glass, Sentsov came to the meeting himself.

«They put droppers to him, so-called supportive therapy. Without them, he would not have survived, he understands this. There was no compulsory feeding, but he thinks they can do it», Kaplan said.

According to Sentsov’s sister, director said that he knows about the actions in his support, it is very important for him, and he thanked everyone, but he also asked to pay attention to other political prisoners.
According to Kaplan, letters reach Sentsov, he has access to television, but only to Russian channels.

«He believes that everything will somehow end well», said Sentsov’s sister.

As the «Journalist» reported, Sentsov will be awarded the Ukrainian ID Award for unbreakable strength in the struggle for the ideals of freedom.

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