An investment and educational forum for women «Rich Woman» is held in the capital


Photo: Journalist

Yesterday, October 4, a large-scale investment and educational forum for women «Rich Woman» started in Kyiv. The main speaker of the event was Kim Kiyosaki, a well-known investor, writer and investment coach. Together with her team «Rich Woman» – Seil Stanford, Liza Lennon and Rondo Jaggers – during the day Kiyosaki shared her own experience and practical advice on the subject of changing and significantly improving the quality of a woman’s financial life, as well as her potential for deep human development. This is reported by The Journalist’s correspondent.


According to event organizer Elvira Bulat, forum should be starting point for the well-being and financially secure future of beautiful half of humanity. Bulat is convinced that one of advantages of a woman is unlimited prospects in the ability to see the opportunities and use them for the benefit of herself and the world around her.


Simple tasks in practice turned out to be particularly relevant and effective, because they allowed girls and women to see their hidden qualities, observations and knowledge so far.


Particular attention in the theoretical part of the event Kiyosaki and her team paid question of mistakes in life of every woman. Following assignment from speaker was indicative: «Write your names on paper in usual way for you. And then change your hand and write the name of other – right or left. Can we say that one of the options you wrote is wrong? You duplicated one word, but did it in different ways. You were not mistaken, but diversified simple action. The same is with our mistakes in life. It is not so important how often and how much we make mistakes – it only matters if we master the lessons offered by life».

As The Journalist reported earlier, a large-scale investment and educational forum «Rich Woman» began in Kyiv.

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