In Ukraine the law on mine action came into force


Photo: from open sources

Mine Action Act No. 2642-VIII entered into force in Ukraine. Now, demining services will be ordered through public procurement. In addition, the lives of specialists in mine clearance are obliged to insure compulsory.

The law provides for the creation of a system of bodies that will plan, coordinate, carry out demining, allow certain companies to do this, and then check the quality of work.
Parliament will approve a national mine action program as proposed by the government. Cabinet of Ministers will approve national standards in the field of mine action, as well as a list of territories that are supposedly polluted and polluted with explosive objects.
Cabinet of Ministers creates National Organization for Mine Action. It is he who should coordinate the activities of all other institutions that are attached to work in this direction. This body should include a commission that will accredit demining companies.
It is planned to create a mine action center, which through public procurement will choose companies for mine clearance, and the public will have the right to control how budget funds are used (the exception is state secrets, as in the law on national security).
Demining will be carried out by companies – the so-called mine action operators.
They intend to conduct demining of territories at the expense of state funds, grants, and other international returnable or irrevocable assistance.
Recall that in the east of Ukraine mined about 7 thousand square meters plus 15 thousand square meters on uncontrolled territory.

Earlier, the “Journalist” reported that lonely Chinese women would be presented with “leave for dating”.

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