Veteran Mazur returns to Ukraine

Open source

Ukrainian volunteer, Donbas war veteran Ihor Mazur who was detained in Poland, returned to Ukraine. This was reported by deputy minister of Internal Affairs Anton Herashchenko on Facebook.

According to him, Mazur’s return became possible due to the fact that in the evening of the day of detention the Ukrainian National Central Bureau of Interpol, by order of the Interior Minister Arsen Avakov, submitted a package of documents proving that the Russian Federation abused its right to address this organization.

“Thanks to well-managed and professional work of the Ukrainian authorities, including diplomats, people’s deputies, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the National Police, Ihor Mazur (nom de guerre ‘Topolia’) has returned to Ukraine,” Herashchenko wrote.

Завдяки чіткій і професійній роботі органів української влади – Офісу Президента, Офісу Омбудсмена, Українських…

Gepostet von Антон Геращенко am Mittwoch, 13. November 2019

This information was confirmed by the Ombudsperson Lyudmyla Denysova.

“This happened due to the incredible common work of the Office of the President, the Office of the Ombudsman, Ukrainian diplomats, people’s deputies, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the National Police. And also thanks to the incredible support of civil society and the media,” she wrote.

⚡⚡⚡Чудова новина❗❗❗ Щойно отримала підтвердження, що Ігор Мазур співробітник Секретаріату Уповноваженого ВРУ з прав…

Gepostet von Людмила Денісова am Mittwoch, 13. November 2019

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