Verkhovna Rada adopted land laws

The plenary session meeting of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on July 4.

Photo from open sources

The Verkhovna Rada adopted a law aimed at tax stimulation of the development of family farms.

For the adoption of the relevant draft law No. 6490-d «On Amendments to the Tax Code of Ukraine and Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine Regarding Incentive creation and activity of family farms» in the second reading and as a whole voted 229 people’s deputies at the necessary minimum of 226 votes.

According to the explanation note, the bill is proposed to provide for the possibility of legalization of family farms with the acquisition of the status of individuals – entrepreneurs, and give them the opportunity to be payers of the 4th group of the simplified taxation system, for which a number of criteria will be used.

This bill applies to farms whose area of use is from 2 to 20 hectares.

In addition, the Parliament adopted a law on improving the rules for the use of arrays of agricultural land in order to prevent raid and stimulate irrigation.
For the adoption of the relevant draft law No. 6049-d «On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine on the Resolution of the Collective Ownership Issue land, improving the rules of land use in arrays of agricultural land, preventing raiding and stimulating irrigation in Ukraine» in the second reading, 236 people’s deputies voted at the required minimum of 226 votes.

This bill regulates the issue of collective property.

As «Journalist» reported, the new law on currency will come into force in February 2019.

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