Water in Zhytomyr kindergartens and tuberculosis sanatoriums does not meet hygienic standards

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The “Zhytomyr Regional Laboratory Center” State Institution of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine stated that drinking water in six kindergartens in Zhytomyr did not meet the hygienic and microbiological standards.

“In the period from 24-25.06.2019 in Zhytomyr 23 samples of water from the centralized supply were collected and investigated, including nutrition units of children’s educational institutions”, a statement said.

The laboratory tests showed that drinking water did not meet the requirements of the hygienic standards for microbiological indicators, as Novoye Vremia reports.

According to the report, drinking water does not meet the standards in kindergartens No. 37, 55, 56, 58, 66, and 70 and in the LesnyBereh regional children’s tuberculosis sanatorium.

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