YouGov: Biden leads Trump by 11 points in nationwide vote

Open source

According to a Yahoo News poll hold between October 16-18, two weeks before the U.S. presidential election, Democratic candidate Joe Biden leads incumbent President Donald Trump by 11 percentage points in the nationwide vote.

Victory in presidential election in U.S. determined not by a majority vote, but by the distribution of votes in the U.S. electoral college.

The poll results indicate that 51% of voters who intend to vote are ready to support Biden, 40% – Trump. A week earlier, in a similar poll, Baden was also supported by 51%, Trump – by 43%, the gap widened by 3%. In October, the number of voters who believe that Biden is better than Trump to cope with the coronavirus epidemic increased: if a week earlier the ratio in favor of Biden was 45% versus 38%, then in the last poll it was 52% versus 33%.

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