Number of migrants arriving in the EU decreased in 2018


Photo: from open sources

The number of migrants arriving in the European Union countries in 2018 half decreased. About this informed at the European Frontier Service Frontex

It is reported that for the first half of 2018, 60,430 cases of illegal crossing of the borders of the European Union were recorded. This is two times less than in the previous year. In Frontex believe that among the reasons for this trend is primarily the «reduction in migration pressure» in the central part of the Mediterranean Sea.
At the same time, the border service noted that in June for the first time the most popular route for illegal migration was the West-Mediterranean, by which migrants get to the coast of Spain. He had 6400 border crossings over the past month and 14700 cases – for the first half, which is almost twice as much as a year ago.

Earlier «Journalist» reported that in Luxembourg at the informal EU summit on the issue of migrants decided to create centers for the reception of refugees outside the European Union.

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