NBU predicts increasing of electricity rates by 25% from July

Фото: из открытых источников

The National Bank of Ukraine forecasts an increase in electricity prices by 25% in Ukraine from July, but does not expect a significant impact on the overall consumer inflation index.

This was announced by the NBU Deputy Governor Dmytro Sologub, UNIAN informs.

The Deputy Governor noted that the issue of operating for this  electricity market from July 1 is still open.

“Our official forecast for today envisages that this year prices will rise by 25% from July. Even if the growth of tariffs exceeds 25%, this will not particularly affect the overall index of consumer inflation, since the share of this component is insignificant,” said Sologub.

As The Journalist reported, electricity price for industry can grow by 42% in Ukraine from July 1.

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