Estonia will help Ukraine to transfer public services into electronic format to work online

photo from open sources

Estonia, the EU digital leader in the field of public services will provide expert and technical assistance to Ukraine aimed at implementation of the “Smartphone State” concept, enabling to make most Ukraine’s public services in electronic format.

This is stated on the website of the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky.

“We received a very positive feedback on our plans from the Estonian experts. We also agreed on specific support for conducting an audit of the registries, developing the Trembita system, SmartD modern electronic identification and e-Residency implementation”, the head of state stressed.

It is noted that the Estonian experience in this matter is very important, since Estonia was the first country in the world to introduce electronic interaction between registries and ID-cards, hold electronic elections, reach 99% online services and make possible receiving “electronic citizenship”.

The press service of the Ukraine’s President reminded that expert discussions on the “Smartphone State” concept would begin this week. After that the document containing a detailed action plan for 2019 and strategic objectives until 2024 would be made public.

Earlier The Journalist wrote that Ukrainian Health Ministry started checks regarding paid electronic medical examination records.

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