Justice Ministry: Ukraine prepares more lawsuits against Russia

Open source

Ukraine is preparing few lawsuits against the Russian Federation. This was stated by Minister of Justice Denis Malyuska in an interview with Glavkom.

Malyushka said that Ukraine have five lawsuits against the Russian Federation and all of them are at the stage of the identification of accessory – whether the court may consider them. At the same time, Ukraine is still working on the preparation of “one or two” lawsuits against the aggressor country in the near future. The minister did not disclose details about what claims are being prepared, but added that while the ministry is at the stage of collecting evidence, justifications. In addition, he clarified that work which is currently underway aimed at obtaining legal support from abroad.

“A legal dispute in court is always a matter of credibility. It may be larger or smaller, but never speaks of a guarantee. Therefore, I can’t guarantee right now that we will win these courts. Their presentation was reasonable, the chances are high enough to try,” Malyuska said.

As The Journalist reported, U.S. extends sanctions against Russia because of annexation of Crimea and activity in Donbas.

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